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自動着陸 (Re: オートパイロットの設定について)


なし 自動着陸 (Re: オートパイロットの設定について)

msg# 1.2
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2009-8-29 17:31 | 最終変更
toshi  長老   投稿数: 1540


しかし、ILSのある空港を使い、それなりの進入進路をとるように操縦してやれば、Autopilotメニューの NAV1 Glideslopeを用いて着陸直前までのアプローチを自動操縦に任せることが出来ると思います。

しかし最近になって、アプローチ時に単にILSのGlide Slopeに沿って降下するだけでなく、タッチダウン直前の機種上げ操作も自動化する試みをいくつか目にするようになりました。


◎Boeing 747-400
- ダウンロード先 http://fgnl.freehostia.com/en/aircraft/boeing747-400.html
- 概要
-- LOCボタンとAPPボタンで自動着陸開始。
-- タッチダウン時に手動でスロットルをアイドルにしてから逆噴射装置を動作させる必要あり。
-- その他の操作は自動操縦に任せる。
- 手順
http://wiki.flightgear.org/index.php/Boeing_747-400_Tutorial より引用:
As you complete the final turn, press the LOC and then the APP buttons on the MCP.

LOC will instruct the autopilot to lock on to and follow the ILS localizer, which will align your plane with the runway. APP will instruct the autopilot to follow the glideslope and will enable the autopilot to complete a full autolanding. The LOC and VNAV lights will extinguish when you press APP. All three A/P lights should be on indicating that the autopilot is set up to perform an autolanding.

Ensure that flaps are at 25, the gear is down, and that the plane is properly following the ILS. Sit back and enjoy the autolanding. The autopilot will fully control all aspects of the aircraft until touchdown. If you'd rather land manually, you can disengage the autopilot by pulling down on the DISENGAGE bar, turning A/T ARM off, and setting F/D to OFF. You will then have full control over throttle, pitch, and roll. Manually keep your speed at approach speed + 5 knots and follow the ILS indicators to the runway.

At around 50 feet, the autopilot will begin a flare and will gently (if everything goes right) land about 500 feet from the runway threshold.

As the main wheels touch the ground, bring the throttles to idle and then engage full thrust reversers. The autopilot will perform a rollout maneuver that will keep the aircraft centered on the runway. Braking is also performed automatically, though engaging thrust reversers will decrease brake heating and wear. Do not touch the controls except to engage thrust reversers - the plane will do everything else.

At 80 knots, set throttle back to idle, disengaging thrust reversers.

As soon as, or shortly before, the aircraft comes to a complete stop, DISENGAGE autopilot, set A/T ARM to OFF, and turn the F/D OFF. The aircraft is now in your control and you may begin your taxi. When you apply taxi thrust, the speedbrakes will retract. Exit the runway when able and taxi toward the gate or parking area of your choice. The airport here is HUGE, so you've got plenty of time to work through the remainder of the checklists.

◎Boeing B-52F
- ダウンロード先 http://flightgear.org/Downloads/aircraft/index.shtml#B-52F
- 概要
-- ILモードで自動着陸開始。
-- 前輪は手動で操作する必要あり。
-- エンジンとエレベータはタッチダウンまで自動操縦。
-- タッチダウン後の操作は不明。
- 手順
http://wiki.flightgear.org/index.php/Boeing_B-52 より引用:
IL Mode

The IL (automatic instrument landing) mode will attempt to get the a/c on the nav1 ILS heading & then follow it, configure the a/c for landing and get it on to the glideslope, follow the glide-slope down and perform a landing. Both the front and rear landing gear will be correctly aligned for any cross-winds but you will need to steer the front gear as the rear gear are aligned with the fuselage during the roll-out.

The engines and elevator, however, will remain under the control of the auto-landing script until touchdown.

The auto-landing script limits the max descent-rate on the glideslope so you will need to ensure that you're not too high/too close when trying this mode.

It is, of course, not very reliable, but gives some idea of what needs to be done at various phases of landing i.e. getting the speed down and coping with the huge trim changes required when the flaps are extended.

◎MRJ - Mitsubishi Regional Jet
- ダウンロード先 http://macflightgear.sourceforge.net/home/aircraft/mrj/
- 概要
-- パフォーマンスモニタをオンにしておくと、着地点で自動的にスロットルを0にし、ブレーキ。
-- 機種上げ操作は手動、かも。
- 詳細
-- 当サイトのフォーラム「機体開発」のトピック「MRJ - Mitsubishi Regional Jet!」をご覧ください。

- 詳細
-- 当サイトのフォーラム「各種設定について」のトピック「手探り航法・旅日記(その2)」から以下の記事をご参照ください。
-- ILS自動着陸に挑む
-- ILS自動着陸を洗練する
投票数:11 平均点:4.55




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