[[FrontPage]] > comment_on_manual
This page includes comments on the FlightGear Manual.
It is intended to feedback toward next version of Manual.

* v2.0.0 [#j7a1dd5e]
** Chapter 1 [#sbbe59b2]
 Windows NT/2000/XP (Intel/AMD platform),
- comment
-- Windows Vista and Windows 7 should be included.

 If you want to run FlightGearunder Mac OS X, you need to have Mac OS X 10.4
 or higher.
- TeX conversion issue
--  FlightGearunder --> FlightGear under
-- Use "\FlightGear{}" instead of "\FlightGear" in TeX source.

 Minimum hardware requirement is either a Power PC G4 1.0GHz or an intel
 Mac, but We suggest...
- typo
-- but We --> but we

 Historically, FlightGear was based on a flight model it inherited (together
 with the Navion airplane) from LaRCsim.
- comment
-- The word "FDM" is used without spelling out in Chapter 1.
-- Here, "flight model" --> "flight dynamics model (FDM)" might be better.

 More details of the UIUC flight model can be found at
- old link
-- http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/m-selig/apasim.html --> http://www.ae.illinois.edu/m-selig/apasim.html

 It is our hope that someday there will be an accompanying FlightGear
 Programmer's Guide a FlightGear Scenery Design Guide...
- typo
-- Guide a --> Guide, a

** Chapter 2 [#mef3a6d6]
*** 2.1 [#l35db295]
 For Mac OS X, it is usually either
- comment
-- I think the word "either" should be deleted.

*** 2.1.2 [#f6f28f17]
 If the installation via the GUI launcher failure for some reason,
 you still have an alternative way to install the data. 
- comment
-- I can't find verb in if sentence.
Probably, "failure" (noun) should be "fail" (verb).

 Opening the data folder by pressing "Open data folder" on the Others
 tab will pop up an Finder window for the data folder. 
- comment
-- It seems a little bit redundant.
-- My suggestion:
--- Pressing "Open data folder" on the Others tab will pop up an Finder window for the data folder. 

*** 2.1.4 [#a44def01]
 If you are using Mac OS X 10.5, The GUI launcher automatically
 specifies -S if svn is available. 
- comment
-- "Mac OS X 10.5" only? Or "Mac OS X 10.5 and later"?

*** 2.2 [#tdfea740]
 You can download aircraft from
- comment
-- No longer available at aircraft/index.shtml.
-- For v2.0.0 aircraft: http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/aircraft-2.0.0/
-- Toward next release, we should ask to Curt where he is planning to locate next version of aircraft page.

 Simply download the file and uncompress it into the data/Aircraft
 subdirectory of your installation.
 Once you have uncompressed them, there will be a new sub-directory
 in your data/Aircraft directory containing the aircraft. 
- comment
-- Some platform don't have "data" directory.
Is there a better common description so that it matches to the location for major linux distributions?
--- Ubuntu: /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Aircraft
--- Fedora: /usr/share/FlightGear/Aircraft 

 Most of the packages named above include the complete FlightGear
 documentation including a PDF version of The FlightGear Manual
 intended for pretty printing using Adobe's Acrobat Reader,
 available from
- comment
-- "Acrobat Reader" is old name. It's current name is "Adobe Reader".
-- http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/ should be http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html , because former refers to non-free acrobat product and the latter is what we want.

** Chapter 3 [#l03c118f]
*** 3.1 [#u98dafc3]
 There are two environment variables that must be defined to run FlightGear.
- comment
-- The word "must" is not correct, because --fg-root and --fg-scenery options can be used instead of environment variables.

*** 3.1.1 [#se73a270]
 This is the data subdirectory of where you installed FlightGear.
- comment
-- Some platform don't have the directory named "data".
Is there a better common description so that it matches to the location for major linux distributions?
--- Ubuntu: /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Aircraft
--- Fedora: /usr/share/FlightGear/Aircraft 

***3.1.3 [#v4139ebc]
 The graphical wizard on Windows and the GUI launcher on Mac OS X
 internally define these environment variables...
- comment
-- This is not correct, because --fg-root and --fg-scenery options are used instead of environment variables.

***3.2 [#za674c51]
 setenv FG_HOME=/usr/local/share/FlightGear
- comment
-- It might be better to describe what FG_HOME means.

***3.3.1 [#ya29d2af]
 SET FG_HOME="c:\Program Files\FlightGear"
 SET FG_ROOT="c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data"
 SET FG_SCENERY="c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data\Scenery"
- Wrong format
-- fgfs.exe don't allow quoted path name with the letter " in environment variable (not in command-line options).
-- Correct format (what I have confirmed to run correctly) is:
 SET FG_HOME=c:\Program Files\FlightGear
 SET FG_ROOT=c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data
 SET FG_SCENERY=c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data\Scenery

 fgfs --option1 --option2... Command-line options are described
 in Chapter 3.5.
- comment
-- New line from "Command-line options..."

***3.4.2 [#d7679c44]
- typo
-- Resouces --> Resources

***3.4.5 [#m2115762]
 feet and |meters are available.
- typo
-- |meters --> meters

 Clock never advances:
- comment
-- Move this item between "3D HUD" and "Real weather fetch".

 Once favorites are added, You can switch...
- typo
-- You --> you

 ... on FlightGear Mac OS X web site. you can visit some links there...
- typo
-- you --> You

 ... aircraft database might solve your problem. open
 /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app and type... 

- typo
-- open --> Open
-- Delete line feed before  ''/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app''.
Or, insert line feed after ''/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app''.

 you need to install FlightGear by copying the FlightGear icon...
- typo
-- you --> You

 Entering space-separated options as shown in Figure 11 will pass
 additional options to FlightGear. 
- comment
-- "Figure 11" is not included in the Manual.
So, delete sentence of "as shown in Figure 11".

***3.5.2 [#mfe99684]
 --units-meters Use meters as the unit of measurement.
- comment
-- New line from "Use meters as..."

* v1.9.0 [#d66666a1]
- FlightGear Manual v1.9.0 原文の疑問点や要修正点をメモしておきます。-toshi

** Chapter 2 [#vadf7e88]
 Windows - any flavor,
 Macintosh OSX,
- Typo
 Mac OS X,

*** 2.1 [#p283aa51]
 For Windows, this directory is likely to be
 c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data\Scenery. 
- 要検討(軽微)
-- c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data\Scenery と、
c:\Program Files\FlightGear\Scenery のどちらが適切だろうか? -- toshi
--- 本家 wiki の記述では前者
--- インストーラ同梱の "Install & Uninstall Scenery" (fgadmin.exe)のデフォルトのインストール先は後者
--- デフォルトでインストールした場合、優先されるのは前者~
fgfs の起動時オプション: --fg-scenery=C:\Program Files\FlightGear\data\Scenery;C:\Program Files\FlightGear\scenery;C:\Program Files\FlightGear\terrasync
--- 前者に入れる場合、ベースパッケージのシーナリー(サンフランシスコ周辺のみ)と混在
--- どちらでも特に問題になることはないと思うけど、fgadminのデフォルトの挙動とマニュアルの記述が異なるのがちょっと気になる
--- 「シーナリーのインストール先は各人の好みで・・・」とした場合、初心者のトラブル解決の妨げになりそうなので、「推奨」例を提示しておくのが無難だと思います。-- sambar
--- コメントありがとうございます。c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data\Scenery と c:\Program Files\FlightGear\Scenery のどちらを推奨するのが適切なのか、というのが私の疑問点です。-toshi

 To install the scenery, uncompress the tarball into the Scenery
 directory. Most operating system provide tools to uncompress tarballs.
 If you cannot uncompress the tarball, install an extractor program such
 as 7-zip (http://www.7-zip.org/. 
- Typo
- 要検討(軽微)
-- なぜ fgadmin.exe を使ったシーナリーのインストール方法について触れないのか? 
文字化けするから? -toshi

 Once you have uncompressed the tarball, the Terrain and Objects direcories
 will contain additional sub-directories with your new scenery inside. 
- Typo
-- direcories --> directories

*** 2.1.2 [#ua6f823f]
 2.1.2  FG_SCENERY
- 要検討
-- FG_SCENERYよりも、--fg-scenery を使う人の方が多いのでは?

 This is where FlightGear looks for Scenery files. It consists of a list of
 directories that will be searched in order. The directories are separated by
 “:” on Unix and “;” on Windows. 
- 要検討
-- Macは?

*** 2.1.3 [#fcbb2571]
- tex conversion issue
--  --atlas=socket,out,1,localhost,5505,udp

 Note that TerraSync (when called with the "-S" command line switch, as
 recommended) is going to download Scenery via the Subversion protocol over
 HTTP. Thus, is your Internet access is set up to use a HTTP proxy, plase make
 yourself aware how to configure the "libsvn" Subversion client for use of a
- Typo
-- is your Internet access is --> if your Internet access is

*** 2.1.4 [#u99edea3]

** 2.2 [#bc4aeb3b]
 Simply download the file and uncompress it into the data/Aircraft subdirectory
 of your installation. 
- 要検討
-- ディストリビューションによっては、"data"という名前のサブディレクトリは存在しない場合がある。
--- Ubuntu intrepid (8.10): http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/all/fgfs-base/filelist
--- Fedora 10: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/10415269/com/fgfs-base-1.0.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm.html

 If you are successful, there will be a new sub-directory in your
 FG_ROOT/data/Aircraft directory containing the aircraft.
- 要検討
-- FG_ROOT/Aircraft あるいは $FG_ROOT/Aircraft では?
-- FG_ROOT はここで初出。第3章に説明があることを記載するのが望ましい。

 The aircraft are downloaded as .tar.gz files.
- 要修正
-- .tar.gz --> .zip

 Some computers will download them as .tar.gz.zip files. If so, simply rename
 the file to .tar.gz before uncompressing them.
- 要削除

** 2.3 [#jfd1bdca]
 Most of the packages named above include the complete FlightGear documentation
 including a PDF version of The FlightGear Manual intended for pretty printing
 using Adobe’s Acrobat Reader, available from
- 要修正/検討
-- Adobe’s Acrobat Reader --> Adobe Reader
-- http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/ --> http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

 Moreover, if properly installed, the ḣtml version can be accessed via
 FlightGear’s help menu entry.
- typo (non ASCII)
-- ḣtml --> html

* Chapter 3 [#p60238a2]
** 3.1 [#l0371d75]
 There are two environmental variables that must be defined to run FlightGear. 
- 要検討
-- 環境変数の設定は"must"ではない。
-- むしろ、コマンドラインオプションで指定するのが一般的では?

*** 3.1.1 [#v921adc8]
 This is the data subdirectory of where you installed FlightGear. e.g.
 /usr/local/share/FlightGear/data or c:\Program  Files\FlightGear\data.
- 要検討
-- ディストリビューションによっては、"data"という名前のサブディレクトリは存在しない場合がある。
--- Ubuntu intrepid (8.10): http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/all/fgfs-base/filelist
--- Fedora 10: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/10415269/com/fgfs-base-1.0.0-1.fc9.noarch.rpm.html

 This is where FlightGear will look for scenery files. It consists of a list of
 directories that will be searched in order. The directories are separated by
 “:” on Unix and “;” on Windows. e.g. 
- 要検討
-- (再び)macは?

*** 3.3.1 [#ndb9eb38]
 Open a command shell, change to the directory where your binary resides
 (typically something like c:\Program Files\FlightGear\Win32\bin), set the
 environment variables by typing 
- Typo
-- c:\Program Files\FlightGear\Win32\bin --> c:\Program Files\FlightGear\bin\Win32

 SET FG_HOME=~c:\Program Files\FlightGear~  
 SET FG_ROOT=~c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data~  
 SET FG_SCENERY=~c:\Program Files\FlightGear\data\Scenery~ 
- Typo and tex conversion issue
-- ~~ --> 削除

** 3.4 [#ub2183cd]
 3.4  Launching the simulator under Mac OS X
- 要検討
-- コマンドラインの記述のみ。要書き換え。

** 3.5 [#j109bc44]
 3.5  Command line parameters
- 要検討
-- 全面的に見直しが必要

*** 3.5.3 [#u2a71783]
 For available choices check the directory /FlightGear/Aircraft, and look for
 files ending in ”-set.xml”.
- 要検討
-- /FlightGear/Aircraft --> FG_ROOT/Aircraft

*** 3.5.8 [#i52d5e8d]
 However, the value set by these functions could be modified using the
 –time-offset function.
- tex conversion issue
-- –time-offset --> --time-offset

*** 3.5.10 [#l6a8394c]
 Allows specifying a waypoint for the GC autopilot; it is possible to specify
 multiple waypoints (i.eȧ route) via multiple instances of this command. 
- tex conversion issue
-- i.eȧ route --> i.e. a route

** 3.6 [#r04ec4a2]
- 要検討
-- $FG_ROOT で統一したほうが良いでしょう。

*** 3.6.1 [#u761ae4b]
 $ °/ js demo
- tex conversion issue
-- $ °/ js demo --> ./js demo

 Under Windows, open a command shell (Start|All Programs|Accessories), go to
 the FlightGear binary folder and start the program as follows (given
 FlightGear is installed under c:\Flightgear) 
- tex conversion issue
-- (Start$\left|\right.$All Programs$\left|\right.$Accessories) --> check TeX format

 On our system, the first few lines of output are (stop the program with ˆ C
 if it is quickly scrolling past your window!) as follows:
- tex conversion issue
-- ^ C --> ctrl-C

 Joystick test program. 
- tex conversion issue
-- underline overwrites the next line

 ... etc??u p to ... 
- tex conversion issue
-- etc??u p to --> etc. up to

*** 3.6.2 [#i1c16e52]
 If the FlightGear base directory FlightGear does not already contain an
 options file .fgfsrc (under UNIX)/system.fgfsrc (under Windows) mentioned
 above, just copy
- 要検討
-- "FlightGear base directory" is not clear. These words are not defined on the Manual.
-- .fgfsrc and system.fgfsrc should be placed in your home directory and FG_ROOT directory, respectively (see 3.5).

- old link
-- http://www.lancs.ac.uk/people/cpaap/pfe/ --> http://www.lancs.ac.uk/staff/steveb/cpaap/pfe/

- tex conversion issue
-- –prop: --> --prop:

 Concerning all the finer points, such as getting the joystick buttons working, 
 John Check has written a very useful README included in the base package under 
- Update
-- FlightGear/Docs/Readme/Joystick.html --> FlightGear/Docs/Readme.Joystick.html

** Chapter 4 [#e8d5612c]
***4.1 [#g3b6cd33]
 If the s are off, you’ll have to start them before proceeding any further.
- tex conversion issue
-- If the s are off --> If the engines are off

 For that you’ll need the , which you’ll find in the lower-left corner of the  instrument panel.
- tex conversion issue
-- you'll need the , --> you'll need the ignition switch,

 Now you can hit the “s” key to operate the .
-  tex conversion issue
-- Now you can hit the “s” key to operate the starter.

***4.2 [#nb880fff]

 Ctrl + U	Add 1000 ftṫo your altitude (emergency)
- tex conversion issue in tab5.tex
-- Add 1000 ft. to your altitude (emergency)

 Note: If you have difficulty processing the screenshot fgfs-screen.ppm
 on a Windows machine, just recall that simply pressing the “Print” key
 copies the screen to the clipboard, from which you can paste it into any
 graphics program.
- Typo
-- Print --> Print Screen 

***4.4 [#y9188191]

- Place Fig.5 above Fig.6.

 If you don’t have pedals or lack the experience to handle the proper
 ratio between aileron/rudder automatically, you can start FlightGear
 with the option --enable-auto-coordination.
- Typo?
-- automatically --> manually

 Besides these, there are several supplementary instruments. To the very
 left you will find the clock, obviously being an important tool for
 instance for determining turn rates.Below
- Typo
-- rates.Below --> rates. Below

 The instruments below indicate the position of youryoke. 
- Typo
-- youryoke. --> your yoke.


このページには、FlightGear Manual を1.0.0 に対応させる為のメモが書いています。何か判る事があったら追記してください。文章にまとまり次第、随時マニュアルを修正して行こうと思います。(Tat)

* 第一章 [#e79a375a]
** 1.2 System Requirements [#ja1dbf1f]
- 1.0.0 は Pentium III で本当に十分に動作するのだろうか?
- 1.0.0 を動作させるには 256MB のVRAM は欲しいところ
- 1.0.0 のバイナリとベースパッケージをインストールには 400MB 程の空きディスク容量が必要 (Mac 版の場合)
- 1.0.0 を開発するには、コード、データ、オブジェクトファイル等を含め1.5GB 必要 (Mac版; 多いなぁ)
- CVS 版を開発するには、コード、データ、オブジェクトファイル等を含め3.5GB 必要(Mac 版; どんだけ~)


- マニュアル v1.9.0 に対するメモの記入を始めました -- [[toshi]] &new{2008-12-30 (火) 01:33:22};
- からの SPAM が発生したため、コメント欄を削除 -- toshi &new{2009-02-25};
- 本ページの位置づけに合わせてページ名を変更。1.0.0 向け説明 --> マニュアルの要修正点 -- toshi &new{2009-03-29};
- 「マニュアルの要修正点」を「comment_on_manual」にリネームし、基本的に英語で書くことにします。しかるべ時期にフィードバックして次期マニュアルに反映してもらいます。-- toshi &new{2010-03-13};

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